Protestant Church St.Laurentius

Halle/Saale Protestant Church

The predecessor organ was built in 1964 by the company Schuke from Potsdam. In autumn 1984 it fell victim to an arson in the church and was almost completely destroyed.  Only eight registers were saved. Apart from the'Waldflöte 2', which is in the main work, they found a new place in the rückpositiv of the current organ.The starting point for the design of the facade was the wish of the municipality, which plays a lot with choir and orchestra, on the one hand to have enough space for these two sound bodies next to the organ on the gallery and on the other hand to make a good communication among each other possible. The shape of the barrel vault or gallery parapet is recorded in the convex or concave arches of the organ case. The organ case is made of solid wood, "Oregon" The principal pipes in the case are - except for two small intermediate panels - sounding.